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Masternode Setup Instructions


Before you begin please ensure that you have the following:

After making sure you have the items above, continue

[1] Local Wallet configuration

Open your local wallet and complete the following from the menu:

Settings > Options > Wallet > Enable Coin Control

Create A Masternode Address

Go to Tools > Debug Console and enter (without quotes)

getaccountaddress mn1

Copy the outputted address (this is your masternode public address)

[2] Local wallet veco.conf configuration

In the top bar of your local wallet find Tools > Open wallet configuration file and insert following lines: addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode=

[3] Fund the Masternode.

Send EXACTLY 10,000 VECO to your masternode public address.

*Before proceeding, wait for all necessary confirmations or you will have to redo the process again

[4] Masternode TX data

Go to Tools > Debug Console and enter (without quotes)

masternode outputs

(Note these details, you have to fill the data in the request form below)

[5] Submit Request Form

Fill in the request form your email, public wallet address and TX data

[6] Local Wallet masternode.conf configuration

We will process the request form manually. Therefore it could take some time, but we will do our best to process your request soonest. You will receive an email with data you have to insert in your masternode configuration file.

In the top bar of your local wallet find Tools > Open Masternode configuration file and insert the line you received in the email

It will consist of: alias {IP}:{Port} {masternodeprivkey} {collateral_output_txid} {collateral_output_index}

(Example:) the line will look like; MN01 999999999a99999999b999999999c9999999999 88888888888d8888888888e88888888888888fa888888888888bc88888888888 1

[7] Restart Local Wallet

Close wallet

Re-open wallet, in the top bar click the masternodes tab > click on the masternode that appears > click Start Alias

Congratulations, you have completed a clean installation of masternode, now just wait until your payments fall into your wallet!
